

Setting Up a Family Office: Navigating Complexities and Unlocking Opportunities

Hubbis hosted a thought-leadership discussion over lunch at the prestigious China Club in Hong Kong. Exclusively supported by Eton Solutions, the event gathered senior contacts from Single and Multi-Family Offices, professional services firms, and advisers.

阿联酋的家族办公室:Hubbis 思想领袖讨论会探讨复杂性、数字化和不断变化的趋势

Hubbis 最近在迪拜 DIFC 的 ZUMA 举办了一场独家思想领袖讨论会,由 Eton Solutions 高级副总裁、国际业务主管 Bryan Henning 共同主持。


Hubbis 最近与 Eton Solutions 国际部主管、高级副总裁 Bryan Henning 合作,在迪拜金融城的 Zuma 举办了一场思想领袖讨论和午餐会。来自单一家族和多家族办公室的高级管理人员以及迪拜的专业服务顾问(包括私人客户律师和税务专家)参加了这次独家聚会。


On a bustling day in Mumbai, senior contacts from private wealth managers, single and multi-family offices, and professional services firms gathered for an exclusive thought-leadership roundtable discussion.


Eton Solutions and Hubbis hosted a private lunch gathering in Singapore in early June to drill down into some of the key issues around establishing and managing a modern, fit-for-purpose family office in Asia.

新加坡 2024 - Eton Solutions 的 Bryan Henning:改造家族办公室,重新认识其价值

Bryan Henning, SVP and Head of International for Eton Solutions, offered delegates valuable insights into helping them work with UHNW clients who wish to establish or upgrade their family offices. Supported by a detailed slide show, Bryan explained how family offices can significantly enhance their value proposition and delivery through carefully selected technology allied to robust, proven organisational protocols.

Dubai 2024 - Transforming a Family Office to Reimagine the Value it Delivers

In a compelling presentation at the Hubbis Independent Wealth Forum in Dubai on March 6, Bryan Henning, the Senior Vice President and Head of International at Eton Solutions, shared some invaluable insights into how family offices can significantly enhance their value delivery through technological innovation. Henning, who has been an integral part of Asia's wealth management scene since 1994 and joined Eton Solutions as a partner two years ago, emphasised the role of technology in the evolving landscape of wealth management, particularly for family offices.

香港 2023 - 克服关键挑战,实现建立家族办公室的主要目标

Hubbis and our exclusive partner for the event, Eton Solutions, hosted a private, bespoke event attended by decision-makers from the Hong Kong wealth advisory and family office scene on October 17 at the China Club.

印度 2023 - 深入了解 GIFT 城--印度开发新金融中心的挑战与机遇

在全球金融和商业的动态格局中,某些地方成为国际贸易和投资的关键枢纽。GIFT 城,即古吉拉特邦国际金融科技城,代表了印度为建立这样一个枢纽所做的战略努力。作为一个雄心勃勃的项目,GIFT 城旨在成为印度快速发展的金融和科技行业的前沿阵地,并配备一系列激励措施和基础设施福利。

迪拜 2023 - Eton Solutions 如何为各级家族办公室提供优化的运营技术

8 月 30 日,在迪拜举行的 Hubbis Wealth Solutions 论坛上,Eton Solutions 高级副总裁兼国际业务主管 Bryan Henning 发表了另一场内容丰富、富有教育意义的演讲,向中东本地客户或来自海外并考虑在阿联酋这一具有吸引力的司法管辖区设立 SFO 的客户强调了他们的使命和雄心。

2023 年的印度 - 转变家族办公室,重新认识其价值 - Eton Solutions 的观点

总部位于美国的家族办公室解决方案专业公司 Eton Solutions 于今年 2 月在新加坡成立了新的国际总部,随后又于近期在迪拜开设了办事处,以覆盖印度次大陆、中东和非洲地区。

新加坡 2023 - 家族办公室转型,重新认识其所带来的价值

Family offices continue to multiply and grow, especially in the dynamic Asia Pacific market. Bryan Henning, Eton Solutions’ Senior Vice President, Head of International in Singapore, where the company in February launched its international HQ, offered delegates at the Hubbis Asian Wealth Solutions Forum on June 14 some valuable pointers on creating and then running a modern family office.

迪拜 2023 - 从快速发展的阿联酋财富市场优化家族办公室的组建和运营

Hubbis and exclusive partner for the event, Eton Solutions hosted a behind-closed-doors discussion amongst leading wealth management advisors in Dubai on March 14 on the market evolution around wealth planning and family offices for UHNW clients in the Middle East and beyond. In this review, Hubbis has extracted and distilled some of the key observations from the invited experts, presenting those on a non-attributable basis, and also from Eton Solutions, Satyen Patel, Executive Chairman as well as Bryan Henning, VP and Head of International, presenting their insights.

