This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) describes activities that are not allowed on the Eton Solutions Family Office Software Network. The AUP is incorporated by reference in your agreement (“Agreement”) with Eton Solutions, L.P. (“Eton”). Capitalized terms used in this AUP and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning given in the Agreement. Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to cfo@eton-solutions.com.
您不得将 Eton 网络或服务(统称 "服务")用于从事、助长或推广非法、滥用或不负责任的行为,包括:
- 在未经所有者授权的情况下,使用互联网账户或电脑;
- 未经授权访问或使用数据、系统或网络,包括在未经系统或网络所有者明确授权的情况下,试图探测、扫描或测试系统或网络漏洞,或者破坏安全或认证措施;
- 在未经系统或网络所有者明确授权的情况下,监控任何网络或系统的数据或流量;
- 故意、明知或鲁莽地将任何病毒或其他污染代码引入到服务中;
- 通过欺骗手段(如网络钓鱼、网络诈骗、密码抢劫、网络爬虫和信息收割)收集或使用信息,包括电子邮件地址、网名或其他标识符;
- 在电子邮件或新闻组发帖中使用任何虚假、误导或欺骗性的 TCP-IP 数据包标题信息;
- Distributing software that covertly gathers or transmits information about a user;
- 分发广告投放软件,除非:(i) 用户基于告知软件性质的显眼通知,明确同意下载和安装此类软件;以及 (ii) 可使用主要操作系统中的标准工具(如微软的 "添加/删除 "工具)轻松移除该软件;
- Any conduct that is likely to result in retaliation against the Eton Network or website, or Eton’s employees, officers or other agents, including engaging in behavior that results in any server being the target of a denial of service attack (DoS);
- 任何旨在隐瞒或掩盖身份或联系信息的活动,包括遗漏、删除、伪造或误报任何与传输相关或用于识别身份的信息,如退回邮地址和 IP 地址;
- Interference with service to any user of the Eton or other network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
- Any action which directly or indirectly results in any of Eton or its network’s supplier’s IP space being listed on any abuse database (i.e. Spamhaus); or
- Conducting any gambling activity in violation of any required licenses, codes of practice, or necessary technical standards required under the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction in which your site is hosted or accessed.
You may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate or test the vulnerability of an Eton system or network, or to breach the Eton security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques.
If we are legally required to permit any relevant authority to inspect your content or traffic, you agree we can do so; provided however that, where possible without breaching any legal or regulatory requirement, we give you reasonable prior notice of such requirement. We may, without notice to you, report to the appropriate authorities any conduct by you that we believe violates applicable law, and provide any information we have about you, or your users or your traffic and cooperate in response to a formal request from a law enforcement or regulatory agency investigating any such activity, or in response to a formal request in a civil action that on its face meets the requirements for such a request.
我们可能会不时通过发布本可接受使用政策的修订版本,或在可接受使用政策发生重大不利变化的情况下,通过提前30天向您发出书面通知,修订本可接受使用政策,进一步详细描述或阐明对您使用我们服务的合理限制。发生下列情况时,修订后的可接受使用政策对您生效,生效时间以最先发生的时间为准:(i) 您为使用全部或部分服务签署新协议或附加协议,该协议通过引用方式纳入了修订后的可接受使用政策;(ii) 协议续期的第一天在修订后的可接受使用政策发布后至少三十(30)天才开始;或 (iii) 我们向您发出可接受使用政策重大变更通知书后三十 (30) 天。如果遵守修订后的可接受使用政策将对您使用服务产生不利影响,您可以在修订后的可接受使用政策对您生效之日起三十(30)天内,向 Eton 发出书面通知提出反对,以选择终止协议。我们不会因此向您收取提前终止协议的费用。如果您选择终止,您可以继续使用服务最多九十 (90) 天,在此期间,我们不会对您执行修订,您将继续受先前版本的约束。尽管有上述规定,即使您根据本款规定选择终止服务,我们也可以选择放弃对您放弃执行变更,并使您的协议在剩余期限内继续有效。
如果您违反本可接受使用政策,我们将根据协议暂停或终止您的服务。对于因违反可接受使用政策而导致的服务中断,不予提供 Eton 服务级别下的任何补偿。