AFO™ Transformation Journey for a Hong Kong SAR-based Financial Markets Entrepreneur
A Hong Kong-based financial entrepreneur streamlined a $140M+ AUM single-family office using Eton Solutions’ AFO™, automating data management across 34 accounts in just three months.

利用 AtlasFive® 平台和 Eton Solutions 服务
Eton Solutions为位于美国的一家大型多家族办公室(MFO)提供AtlasFive® 平台以及全面的中台和后台服务。MFO为超高净值家庭及其相关实体提供服务。MFO的客户群主要由净资产为1000万至2.5亿美元的客户和一个数十亿美元的超大型客户组成。

AtlasFive® 使联合家族办公室的报告实现自动化
One of the most fundamental requirements for family offices is also one of the most challenging: providing the family with timely reports and accurate insights based on current data. If the office oversees multiple types of investments and transactions for multiple families, that challenge is even more overwhelming.

使用 AtlasFive® 实现家族办公室的会计工作自动化
Family office accounting is often a time-consuming process that involves reconciling data across multiple platforms and spreadsheets. Most times, reporting cannot even be completed until weeks after a period closes — and that data is often error-prone, to boot. The entire process is complicated and inefficient, and its meaningfulness to clients is often impacted by its inaccuracies or delays.

使用 AtlasFive® 管理家族办公室的复杂性
对于现代家族办公室来说,管理家族财政是一日益复杂的业务业务。由于家族办公室管理着错综复杂的法则实体、所有权结构和相反的相互关系网络,因为这需要承受大量的责备主任,并需要满足跨越各种类型的报告要求。由于每一个家族办公室的成人和角色的色彩都不尽相同,要找到一个既能盖其管理的方方面面,又能实现完全定制化的技术平台一直就是个战——直到现在。有了 Eton Solutions 的 AtlasFive®

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