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Singapour 2023 - Transformer un Family Office pour réimaginer la valeur qu'il délivre


June 14, 2023

Family offices continue to multiply and grow, especially in the dynamic Asia Pacific market. Bryan Henning, Eton Solutions’ Senior Vice President, Head of International in Singapore, where the company in February launched its international HQ, offered delegates at the Hubbis Asian Wealth Solutions Forum on June 14 some valuable pointers on creating and then running a modern family office. The mission for Eton Solutions is to help upgrade and digitalise family offices, established or newly formed, that are still so often thinking in terms of manual-based data processes, and reliant on disparate and older technology solutions and outmoded management approaches. In short, they are working with their family office clients to deliver them ready for the modern world, or to transform them by uplifting their technologies, systems, processes, protocols, practices and even compliance and governance, whilst at the same time improving cost efficiencies. This is a distillation of his presentation, layering in some other material that Hubbis has published from Bryan’s detailed interviews with Hubbis in recent months and from extensive presentations and workshops he had given at our events in 2023.

Eton Solutions is a software and services company founded to handle the complexities associated with servicing ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) clients and family offices.

The firm promotes what it calls its holistic, integrated platform and teams of experts to enable single-family offices, multi-family offices and professional services firms to completely reimagine the value they can provide to their clients. Eton’s founders themselves had decades of experience in family offices, and therefore deep insights into the challenges these offices face.

Bryan Henning leads the firm’s business development, sales & marketing efforts across the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Europe. Since the new international office opened in Singapore in February, Bryan has been busy promoting what he considers to be a genuinely transformational offering for the region’s increasingly large and dynamic family office ecosystem.

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Inde 2023 - Transformer un Family Office pour réimaginer la valeur qu'il délivre - Points de vue d'Eton Solutions

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