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Dubaï 2023 - Eton Solutions propose une technologie opérationnelle optimisée pour tous les niveaux de Family Offices


August 30, 2023

US-headquartered family office solutions specialist Eton Solutions is making a splash in Asia and the Middle East this year, having opened a new international HQ in Singapore in February and following up with the more recent opening of their Dubai office to cover the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East and Africa. Eton Solutions is working hard to promote the Family Office as a concept, but more specifically to help family founders and existing SFOs and MFOs deliver their family members and end clients fit-for-purpose operations and reporting solutions that are at the forefront technologically and in terms of regulatory compliance. Bryan Henning, SVP and Head of International,Eton Solutions, delivered another informative and educational presentation at the Hubbis Wealth Solutions Forum in Dubai on August 30, highlighting their mission and ambition with clients either indigenous to the Middle East, or from overseas and thinking of setting up an SFO in the UAE, an appealing jurisdiction. Bryan explained in brief about the firm’s family office offerings, and how the firm works closely with the wealth management industry and professionals as well as fiduciary services firms around the world.

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