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AFO™ Transformation Journey for a Hong Kong SAR-based Financial Markets Entrepreneur


February 21, 2025

Managing a complex single-family office with $140M+ in assets across Hong Kong, Singapore, the USA, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Japan, this financial entrepreneur faced significant challenges. With 34 brokerage and cash accounts spread across seven custodians, wealth data was manually aggregated, reconciliations were time-consuming, and reporting was limited to annual statements.

By implementing Eton Solutions’ AFO™, the office automated middle- and back-office processes, gained real-time insights through a centralised digital platform, and introduced advanced reporting tools. Within three months, they achieved seamless data consolidation, 24/7 global access, and enhanced cybersecurity, enabling more efficient investment management.

“As an entrepreneur from the financial industry, I understand the burden of managing wealth. Tracking and managing my personal and family interests was getting increasingly complicated and troublesome, as the investments spread across three continents and multiple financial institutions…”

With Eton Solutions’ AFO™ solution, I was able to get the required support and confidence to restructure my entire family office. Having a responsive team integrating all my financial interests in trusts and multiple entities gave me constant visibility and seamless access to all assets and investments. This was a huge enabler in transitioning to the current state of my family office.

Eton’s AFO™ team is highly responsive, providing me with the visibility, analysis, and reporting I need to oversee family wealth. This eased the burden of managing a family office and enabled me to focus on my primary business and family.”

— Founder, Chairman, and CIO of a multinational asset management firm based in Hong Kong SAR

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Gérer la complexité des family offices avec AtlasFIVE®

Pour les family offices modernes, la complexité est de mise. Parce qu'ils gèrent un réseau complexe d'entités juridiques, de structures de propriété et d'interrelations, les family offices ont de nombreuses responsabilités et exigences en matière de rapports qui couvrent divers arrangements. Et en raison du caractère unique de la composition et des rôles de chaque bureau, il a été difficile de trouver une plateforme technologique qui couvre tous les aspects de leur administration tout en permettant une personnalisation totale, jusqu'à présent. Grâce à la plateforme AtlasFive d'Eton Solutions, les family offices peuvent enfin mettre en œuvre un système entièrement intégré et configurable pour répondre aux exigences de leurs clients.

Tirer parti de la plateforme AtlasFIVE® et des services Eton Solutions

Eton Solutions fournit la plateforme AtlasFIVE® et des services complets de middle office et de back-office à un important bureau multifamilial (MFO) situé aux États-Unis. Le MFO fournit des services aux familles très fortunées et à leurs entités associées. La clientèle de MFO se compose principalement de clients ayant une valeur nette de 10 à 250 millions de dollars avec un très gros client de plusieurs milliards de dollars.

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